Making cake pops are said to be easy. The instructions are very basic: 

  • Bake a cake (from a box)
  • Let cool
  • Crumble the entire cake
  • Add frosting and stir just until the cake is mold-able
  • Make small balls with your sticky cake
  • Put in freezer for 20 minutes

That's the idea.

I don't ever do anything small. If I'm going to embark on a new journey, I take it all on the first time. There's something in me that can't just start at the beginning of anything. The same thing happened with these cake pops. Bakerella has a cake pop recipe that is easy and a cupcake design that is cute. It was a win-win as far as I was concerned. So I tried it.

This is what I was going for: Bakerella's Cupcake Pops

But this is what I got.

Cake Pops Gone Bad Tawsha
credit: Tawsha's Amazing Baking Skills


Close, right?

As I look at this image and survey what went on, I have so many questions to myself. What was the knife for? How did the "balls" become cubes? Did I run out of frosting?

What a wreck!

We are looking for your Holi-Dos and Holi-Don'ts. The Idaho Lottery is offering up big bucks for it. Submit your entry HERE.

My next Holi-Don't includes a pork tenderloin.

I've also got Holi-Dos and I'm so proud of them!

Now, don't start requesting I make you my "famous" cake pops all at once.

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