I’ve never met a stranger in my entire life. I talk to everyone and want to know everything. People fascinate me. I know I freaked out my mom as a child because she would realize I wasn’t by her side then frantically look for me at a store and find me chatting it up with someone at the makeup counter. That part of me never changed. Add social media into the mix and it’s a beautiful disaster. I am a basic girl by nature who would love to be home in yoga pants watching Netflix but I’m always living in this middle ground area because I suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out) and really want to be where everyone else is. It’s safe to say that I’m an idea addict but really need someone to bring me down from the clouds in order to make things happen. However, I can organize just about anything. So why don’t these personality traits find a way to merge themselves? Along with all the life stuff, I’ve been given this responsibility of raising a future president. He’s in a 9-year old body right now but soon the signs will start popping up in people’s front yards “COLTON for President 2040”. I just got married - for the second time. I said I would never do it again because I was going to be a strong, independent single mom. I accidentally fell in love. Now Janice is stuck with me. Combine all of these things together (and always running late) and you have a Tawsha. Is there more to me? Yes. How much time do you have? We should talk.