While Idaho’s major cities aren’t exactly getting buried under feet of snow this winter, most of the state is experiencing a blast of arctic air that’s making us question “why am I living where the air hurts my face?” 

Sitting in Boise, writing this article, we almost feel bad complaining about having to leave the house to drive to work in 15 degree temperatures. We know it’s worse elsewhere, like Eastern Idaho where high temperatures were in the teens, the lows were around -11º and the wind chill was a ridiculous -22º. The conditions were severe enough that the National Weather Service used their new “extreme cold warning” for the first time. 

READ MORE: Do Your Live Near One of Idaho's Worst Roads to Drive in the Snow?

But we hate being cold, you hate being cold and you know that your employer isn’t going to let you call off work just because you don’t want to go outside. So, you’re taking matters into your own hands and reducing the amount of time you have to be cold by starting your vehicle while everyone gets ready to leave the house. Totally harmless, right?

Warming Up Your Car is Illegal in Most of the United States

Well, it all depends where you live. The EPA put together a list of laws that ban idling in 30 states across the country. Some of them do have stipulations about allowing the action spending on the outside air temperature.

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Idaho’s neighbors Utah and Nevada have restrictions at the state level. The document also lists restrictions for some municipalities in Washington, Oregon and Wyoming. 

So Is It Illegal to Warm Up Your Car in Idaho?

Denis Torkhov
Denis Torkhov

From 1988-2017 it was, but after the 2017 legislative session, Idaho code went from reading…

No person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition, removing the key from the ignition, effectively setting the parking brake and, when standing upon any grade, turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the highway.

…to this amended version: 

No person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without first locking the vehicle if the engine is running, effectively setting the parking brake and, when standing upon any grade, turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the highway. The provisions of this section do not apply to motor vehicles on private property.

The lawmakers who pushed for the change were clear in their statement of purpose for the legislation. They realized that the previous code may have unintentionally made warming up a vehicle on a public roadway illegal if Idahoans were using a remote start device.

This amendment made that legal and also clarified that you can warm up your car on private property however you’d like. 

Warming Your Car May Be Illegal in SOME Idaho Cities

Man upset after getting a night parking ticket during the winter

Municipalities are allowed to make their own rules when it comes to idling vehicles. For example, Ketchum makes it illegal to idle your vehicle for more than three minutes in most cases. However, if you need to operate your defrosters or heaters long enough to avoid a safety or health emergency, you can but they clearly state that it can’t be done for the comfort of the driver or passengers. 

KEEP READING: Essential Winter Emergency Kit Items Every Idahoan Should Have

Winter season in the Quad Cities means cold temperatures, heavy snow, and slick roads. Hopefully, you won't ever need to tap into your winter emergency kit, but it's better to have one in your car than to be unprepared. Make sure you have these essential items in your car before winter arrives in the Quad Cities.

Gallery Credit: Connor Kenney/Townsquare Media Quad Cities

Never Leave These Items in Your Car in Freezing Idaho Temps

Make sure these items are out of your vehicle or they could be damaged, or damage your car, during a cold snap.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

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