A LITE-FM Christmas Wish for Brittany
LITE-FM's Christmas Wish is back, thanks to our friends at Pioneer Federal Credit Union. On Miracle Marathon Day we dropped by to surprise Brittany at work.
Imagine having two children under 10 and expecting your third and then finding out that you are homeless. What would you do? When that happened to single mom Brittany in 2017, she did the only thing she could think of - take her little family to the shelter to avoid having to brave the elements. It wasn't something she was proud of, but one way to keep her kids safe.
2018 was much kinder to this young mom. She was able to lock down a really great job with Martinizing Dry Cleaners in Nampa and is earning enough that she was able to get her family their very own apartment. Brittany works full time in order to put that roof over her sons' heads and unfortunately, doesn't get any child support to help with their needs like new winter clothes as colder weather approaches. By the time she's done paying bills, there's very little left over for her to spoil the boys with.
Her mom, Cyndy, is incredibly proud of how far her daughter has come in just 365 and wanted to make sure that Brittany was about to provide a Christmas for her three boys. That's why we piled Jeff Connell into the Team Subaru of Nampa Forester delivery sleigh to make that happen! Thanks to there generosity of general contractors HC Company, we were able to wrap up a bunch of toys for the little boys, replace some of the winter clothing that they've outgrown and give Brittany some gift cards to shop with. We wanted to treat the family to a fun night out as well, so they also received passes to Winter Garden aGlow and two pizzas from Papa Murphy's and our friends at Pioneer Federal Credit Union.
Click where you see the play button on the birdies to listen hear the wish!
Donate to Help Us Grant More Wishes
We want to grant as many wishes as possible in 2018 and we can't do it without your support! If you'd like to make a donation, there's three easy ways to do that!
Donate at PFCU | Pioneer Federal Credit Union is collecting donations at all of their Treasure Valley locations. To find the one closest to you click HERE.
Donate Online | Chances are you've already got a PayPal account set up for your holiday shopping. Use that same PayPal account or enter your payment information by following the button below.
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