5 Things To Buy In December
December isn't the best month to buy video games, phones, and gravity blankets, but we're doing it anyway. It IS a great month to score deals on 5 things, including one that will give you a buzz.
Now is a good time to pounce on five big merchandise categories, according to Retail Me Not. Like booze. It is holiday party time after all, even if it will be on Zoom.
Half of America was finished Christmas shopping by mid-October, fitting right in with the theme that most of our timing is a little off this year. But if you're still working on your holiday list, it's a good thing! There are deals galore, and these are the best categories.
Security Systems - Smart-home devices like security cameras and video doorbells are selling well this year, and now with all the packages being left on front steps, these systems are a handy extra set of eyes to watch for porch pirates. Security systems like Ring and Nest are discounted this month.
Alcohol - Holiday parties may be smaller than usual or they may be on Zoom this season, but a pandemic can't cancel the bubbly. Liquor stores are lowering their prices just like all the retail stores hoping to be competitive.
Winter Apparel - Summer and fall clothing has found its way to the clearance racks, but there are deep discounts on winter inventory, like coats, sweaters, pajamas, and shoes too. Retail Me Not said we can find up to 40% off and even cash back on some sites.
Electronics - With the big spike in working and learning remotely, we're carving out new tech space at home, and stocking up on electronics like laptops, tablets, and noise-canceling headphones.
Toys - RetailMeNot said the 10 days leading up to Christmas are when the deepest discounts can be found on toys, but Walmart.com has some toys at 40% off, and other sites could follow suit. Despite the year of financial challenges, 66% of shoppers plan to spend the same amount or more to make the holidays memorable.
Your inbox has probably been flooded with emails saying Cyber Week specials have been extended, and we're getting the feeling there will be a new deal every day all the way through Christmas even if all of the major shopping holidays have passed.
If you're looking for excuses to shop, there ya go! We just need to look to local retailers first, to help them get off to a fast start in 2021.