This story broke recently on and maybe you’ve seen it, or not, but I believe it warrants discussion.  The teenager in the video was recently suspended from Frank Church High School yet for some reason was at the school.  When asked to leave by the Boise Police SRO, a fight ensued and eventually his detention.  (Please note that this video contains language not appropriate for children or the workplace.)

I have my own opinions, but what is yours?  According to a blog on, there is a use of force guide taught to members of Law Enforcement.  Click here to read more and get a better idea of the situation.

I know more will unfold as this story continues to unravel.  What I hope comes out of it is a review of conflict resolution(s) available to help our children and the parents, educators and protectors in their lives.  We seem to be a society that is getting angrier and angrier.  When does it stop?  How do we reach our children with love and understanding and help them reciprocate as they learn to navigate their world as an adult?

Hold the love in your heart!

Make it a healthy day.


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