How to Find Girl Scout Cookie Booths in Boise
Whether your mouth waters at the very thought of Thin Mints or Samoas are your weakness, the time for you to get your fix is almost here!
Those of you who are lucky enough to have a Girl Scout in the family or a co-worker who's daughter walked in and asked "would you like to buy some cookies" may already be chowing down on your favorite cookies. For those of us who don't have a cookie dealer in our lives, we've been not so patiently waiting to get our fix for weeks.
Cookie booth sales for our local Girl Scout council, the Girl Scouts of Silver Sage, kick off this Friday, February 28 and will run through Sunday, March 22. There's a few easy ways to track down a booth sale happening in your neighborhood.
Do it From Your Browser
Click HERE to visit the browser based version of the Girl Scouts Cookie Finder. Simply type in your zip code and it'll bring up a list of all the cookie booth sales happening at Albertsons, Lowes, Walmart, Fred Meyer, etc during the cookie booth sale period.
Do it From Your Phone
The Girl Scouts have thought of everything. Like our station, they have their own app! Download the Cookie Finder app for iOS or Android, type in your zip code and you'll know where to grab your box of cookies. Also, if you need a refresher course on which cookie is which, you can read more about each cookie inside the app.