Gas Prices Across Idaho Have Finally Fallen
If it has felt like you've been paying a little less at Idaho gas stations lately, you're not imagining it. The average price of gas in our state has fallen below the national average.
That hasn't happened for over a year according to AAA. The average price for gas in Idaho is now $2.57 per gallon, the national average just one cent more,
Our prices have risen 2.5 cents over the past month, and we are up 19 cents from the same time a year ago, however, that growth has finally slowed more than the national average.
Experts credit a severe winter in many regions of the country for potential increases in heating oil, and that actually does impact the cost of gas for our cars too.
A quick look at GasBuddy.com shows prices around the Boise Metro area around $2.61 per gallon, and showing the best deal at Costco for $2.39 per gallon. It's not been usual for Boise to run a little higher than the state-wide average, though as with Costco and Flying J on Federal ($2.45), good deals can be found.
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