LITE-FM's Christmas Wish is back, thanks to our friends at Pioneer Federal Credit Union.

Ladies, we've all been to a salon. Hair salon. Nail salon. You know that some of the deepest conversations you have are the person that's making you look good and feel good about yourself. Some of the conversations are super fun. Others are tough.

Aubrey's station at work is close enough to hear some of the conversations her co-worker Jacque is having with clients. She's also close enough to Jacque to pick-up a vibe when something isn't quite right. Jacque's had to make some difficult decisions as a single mom. Lately, important obligations for her kids have taken her away from work and are eating up her finances. It's not a great position to be in when you work a job where your income is based on commission.

Aubrey knows how hard things have been for Jacque this year, but admires her strength and determination to take care of her sons so much that she asked if we could step in and make the holidays a little bit brighter for this family that's been through so much. Our delivery elves were more than happy to pile in the Treasure Valley Subaru delivery sleigh and head over to their salon to make it happen!

Click play to listen to hear Aubrey tell us about some of the hardships that Jacque's facing this year and how surprised Jacque was to find a whole bunch of elves hanging out at the back door of her workplace!

Donate to Help Us Grant More Wishes

We want to grant as many wishes as possible in 2023 and we can't do it without your support! If you'd like to donate, there are two easy ways to do that!

Donate at PFCU | Pioneer Federal Credit Union is collecting donations at all of their Treasure Valley locations. To find the one closest to you click HERE.

Donate Online | Chances are you've already got a PayPal account set up for your holiday shopping. Use that same PayPal account or enter your payment information for a one-time donation HERE.

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