Back to School: Fines Rise For Breaking School Bus ‘Stop Arm Law’
As the Boise, Nampa, Caldwell and Vallivue school districts head back to school, that means you'll start seeing things on your afternoon commute that have been missing over the last few months.
If you're someone like me living the DINK (dual income, no kids) lifestyle chances are you didn't wake up on Monday morning with "back to school" in the forefront of your mind. You might be caught off guard finding yourself behind a school bus dropping off students, active school zone speed limits and crossing guards waving kids safely across the street. Consider this your reminder to slow down and be present in the moment to help keep kids safe on their way to and from school.
Failing to do so could cost you a pretty penny. In April, Governor Little signed an amendment raising fines for violating the school bus "stop arm law" to at least $200 for your first offense, at least $400 for your second offense within five years and and at least $600 for your third offense within five years of the two offenses. The laws for when you may pass a stopped school bus vary based on how many lanes of traffic there are moving in each direction, so Boise Police Department shared this helpful info-graphic to clear things up.
Their school safety post goes on to remind you that violating the 20 MPH speed limit in active school zones could cost you $156.50 and failing to yield to parents and students in crosswalks could cost you $75 inside the city of Boise.
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