Over 40 Trunk-or-Treat Events Planned in Boise and the Treasure Valley for 2022
If there's one thing the Treasure Valley really knows how to do right during Halloween season, it's host the best Trunk or Treats!
If you're one of our newer neighbors, you may not be familiar with "Trunk-or-Treats." Where you grew up, each town had its own official trick-or-treat hours and going door-to-door is how you got it done. While kids still do some door-to-door Trick-or-Treating on Halloween night, it's not how you score the best haul of candy in our area!
Everyone in the Boise area knows the best place to load up on sweets is in parking lots of local businesses, town halls and churches. During a Trunk-or-Treat, participating cars and vans pop open their decorated trunks so that children can safely make their way from parking spot to parking spot, collecting a stash of Pixie Sticks, Candy Corn and more.
We're working hard on our decorations for this year's Meridian Trunk or Treat on October 27! But hey, maybe Meridian's a little bit out of your way and you're looking for a trunk-or-treat a little closer to your neighborhood. Check out our guide and find the one closest to you.
If your business or organization is hosting a trunk-or-treat and would like to be added to this list, click HERE to send us an e-mail. Make sure you include the date, time, location and address for the event. If you have a link with more details, send that our way too.