Treasure Valley Water Districts End Irrigation Season
Bye bye, luscious green grass (at all my neighbors' house cause my lawn is terrible), I'll miss you... Today marks the end of the watering season the Nampa-Meridian & Boise-Kuna water districts.
Yeah, that's going to be a wrap on the irrigation season for 2021. Both the Nampa-Meridian and Boise-Kuna water districts have planned to end the season as of September 15th. Time to unplug the timer in your garage, give it a good mow and hope we get a couple good rain showers to keep some green through the next few weeks. After a particularly dry Spring and Summer, a lot of water has been used to keep the valley nice and green and unfortunately, that's come to an end. As the Nampa-Meridian water district's press release indicates, "DUE TO THE DROUGHT CONDITIONS AND LOW WATER SUPPLY WE HAVE EXPERIENCED THIS YEAR, NAMPA & MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT WLL END THE IRRIGATION WATER DELIVERY SEASON on 15 SEPTEMBER 2021. It will take approximately two days for the system to drain."
It'll take a couple of days to drain so if you want to try and be one of the last to give your lawn a sip of that sweet sweet hydration, I guess you can, but really, it's time to shut it off. Hopefully we'll have a wet enough winter that'll allow us to get going and last a little longer through next summer but I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens there. In the mean time, hope you had a green summer!