2 More Boise Area Theaters Announce 11 Weeks of Fabulous $2 Movies
For some students in the Boise area, the 2022-2023 school year has wrapped up. Others are counting down the days until they get to enjoy the sweet freedom of summer break. Parents, that means you’re about to take on the title of “Director of Summer Fun and Games” in addition to all of the other hats you already wear!
There’s no shortage of outdoor activities to keep the kids entertained: splash pads, public pools, Roaring Springs, Lucky Peak, and area ponds…but let’s be honest, this is Boise. Mother Nature has a thing for gifting us triple-digit days. In 2022, we set a new record after recording 27 of those. Sometimes, that summer sun is just too oppressive to enjoy so you look for the coolest places to enjoy, indoors!

Movie theaters are notorious for cranking the AC much higher than you’re willing to run yours at home, so they’re a great option! And believe it or not, they can be a cheap option…if you go at the right time! The right time at the Treasure Valley’s two remaining Edwards Theaters is Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.
That’s when the theaters at the Boise Spectrum and Nampa Spectrum are taking part in Regal’s Summer Movie Express. Select screenings of family-friendly movies are discounted to just $2 for 12 weeks at the Boise theater and 11 weeks at the Nampa theater.
Summer Movie Express dates are chosen based on the last day of school in each market, that’s why Boise gets an extra week of movies. Boise’s last day of school was May 25, which means the first week of discounted movies is May 30. Nampa’s school year ends June 2, so their movies begin on June 6.
What’s play this year? Check it out!
Regal Summer Movie Express Schedule 2023
KEEP READING: Majestic Cinemas $1.50 Summer Movie Clubhouse Line-Up
$3 Summer Movies at Boise's Egyptian Theatre
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