Shipping Container Homes Becoming More Popular in Idaho
My grandmother was an incredible woman, her name was Sandra. She loved coca cola, her family and Elvis. In her early 20s she even won a contest and took a short limo ride with Elvis and got a rose from him. Pretty cool right?! She also loved things, lots and lots of things. Her home was always tidy and clean but she had a missive shipping container on her property full of stuff. I vividly remember as a girl going in it with her and being astounded at the sheer size of the thing and how much stuff she had accumulated in it.
Never would I had thought that years later people would be creating homes out of these giant metal rectangles but here we are. I am incredibly impressed with the unique and beautiful homes being made around the Treasure Valley out of shipping containers.
There are a few builder companies in the Treasure Valley that specialize in container home projects. indieDwell based out of Caldwell is one of the biggest.
A few years back The College of Idaho created new student dorms out of shipping containers that turned out great. According to Idaho News 6, "To alleviate the lack of housing on campus, The College of Idaho is teaming up with local company indieDwell to create more housing, out of shipping containers. indieDwell is based in Caldwell, with a goal to bring modern, affordable housing to the United States using shipping containers."
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