Parades Take Over Boise This Weekend
Who doesn't love a parade?! There are two of them rolling through Boise this Saturday. Here's everything you need to know!
Boise Veterans Day Parade
This year’s Veterans Day Parade is a salute to the rich military history of Gowen Field.
The Boise Veterans Day Parade will roll through the streets of Downtown Boise on Saturday, November 4th at 9:45 a.m. Groups from Idaho universities, high schools, junior highs, you and civic organizations from all over the Treasure Valley will theme their floats in line with this year’s parade vision of “a salute to the Rich Military History of Gowen Field.
Four grand marshals have been chosen for this year's parade. Clair Kilton was a Lieutenant in the Army during the World War II area. He arrived in Normandy, France five days after my grandfather and hundreds of other American soldiers stormed the beach on D-Day. He's joined by Harold Kwan, a Staff Sergant with the Marine Corps Reserve during the Korean War era, Ken Rodgers, a Corporal in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War era and Tom Mahoney, a Colonel with the Air Force Reserve during Desert Storm.
If you want to catch the parade it starts at 8th and Jefferson and will make it’s way down Jefferson to 4th, turn south onto Bannock and west to 11th Street.
Boise State Homecoming Parade
What better way to get psyched for the game against one of our Mountain West rivals than with a parade?! Boise State student organizations, sororities, fraternities and fellow Bronco fans come together for parade on Saturday, November 4th at 2 p.m.!
The homecoming parade starts from the Morrison Center Parking lot and travels down University Drive to where it intersects with Denver.
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