Feed Your Office With LITE-FM’s Doughnut Dash
The quickest way to your co-workers hearts is through their stomachs, right? Then instantly become everyone's favorite co-worker with LITE-FM's Doughnut Dash!
If you've visited our station to pick-up a prize before, chances are you know exactly where my office is. I'm one of the first doors off to the left behind the front desk. The door before mine? Our break room which is absolutely hilarious to sit near on Thursdays. That's "Doughnut Day" at LITE-FM. It's fantastic listening to our sales folks and personalities from our sister stations rationalize out loud their reasoning for having a doughnut as they stuff it in their mouth while walking down the hallway.

You don't have to rationalize something like that! Free food in the break room rocks and it's always the best surprise of the day when it shows up. That's why LITE-FM wants to extend our Doughnut Day tradition to YOUR office!
As a thank you for listening to LITE-FM while you're on the job, we want to treat your office to some sweet treats from our friends at Pastry Perfection!
Doughnut deliveries will be made on Thursdays, 9-11 a.m.
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