After Tragic Year of Loss, LITE-FM Surprises Nampa Mom With Christmas Hope
LITE-FM's Christmas Wish is back, thanks to our friends at Pioneer Federal Credit Union.
When we read Shaun's letter about his wife, Chelsey, it broke our hearts. 2022 should've been the year when the couple's youngest son would be celebrating his last Christmas as the youngest of their three kids. In October, they found out that Chelsey was expecting but the timing couldn't be worse.
Shaun had just lost his job. It really took a toll on Chelsey and she ultimately ended up losing the pregnancy. It was another loss in a long line of miscarriages this couple has had to endure. She also ended up battling kidney stones that had to be surgically removed.
The last few months have been overwhelming for Shaun and Chelsey, because they were surviving on the money Chelsey would bring home from substitute teaching. It was barely enough for housing costs, utilities and groceries and there certainly wasn't anything left over to put together the special Christmas that mom wanted to put together for their three sons.
After all the loss, grief and stress Chelsey has experienced this year, Shaun asked us if we could grant his wish for Chelsey to have an amazing Christmas. We said absolutely! We reached out to our friends at Bailey Engineering and Land Pro Data who'd been waiting for a special family to help this year. They, along with our friends from Arthur Murray Dance Centers, were able to make it happen!
Click play to hear Shaun tell us about his beautiful wife and Chelsey's reaction to our surprise!
A Christmas Wish for Chelsey - Pt 1
A Christmas Wish for Chelsey - Pt 2
Donate to Help Us Grant More Wishes
We want to grant as many wishes as possible in 2022 and we can't do it without your support! If you'd like to make a donation, there are two easy ways to do that!
Donate at PFCU | Pioneer Federal Credit Union is collecting donations at all of their Treasure Valley locations. To find the one closest to you click HERE.
Donate Online | Chances are you've already got a PayPal account set up for your holiday shopping. Use that same PayPal account or enter your payment information for a one-time donation HERE.
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