Caldwell Mom of 5 Stunned By Generous Christmas Wish Surprise
LITE-FM's Christmas Wish is back, thanks to our friends at Pioneer Federal Credit Union.
Samantha's nomination was a little bit different from some of the others we've received. She's a single mom of five kids whose budget is so tight, that she doesn't have the money to fix the air conditioning and heat in her van. This summer was absolutely miserable with the record number of 100º days we had.
This winter is proving to be equally challenging. The kids were trying to keep warm on the way to doctor's visits and school by snuggling up under blankets, but that just hasn't been doing the trick now that lows have been in the teens.
She recently had surgery and will be out of work until January. Her only request while nominating her kids was for us to fix the van so the kids weren't cold anymore. Our friends at Pioneer Federal Credit Union said, absolutely and got her hooked up with their contact at Meineke. She knew that Brittiany was heading over in the Treasure Valley Subaru Delivery sleigh to drop off that gift certificate, but had no idea we had more planned.
Reading her letter, we just sensed that there was more we could do for her while she was out of work so we put together a second surprise. Our friends from Westside Pizza jumped in on the gifts for this one, too!
Click play below to hear Marco read us her sweet nomination for her kids and how stunned she was when she realized we had more up our sleeves!
A Christmas Wish for Samantha - Pt 1
A Christmas Wish for Samantha - Pt 2
Donate to Help Us Grant More Wishes
We want to grant as many wishes as possible in 2022 and we can't do it without your support! If you'd like to make a donation, there are two easy ways to do that!
Donate at PFCU | Pioneer Federal Credit Union is collecting donations at all of their Treasure Valley locations. To find the one closest to you click HERE.
Donate Online | Chances are you've already got a PayPal account set up for your holiday shopping. Use that same PayPal account or enter your payment information for a one-time donation HERE.