A LITE-FM Christmas Wish for Vicki
LITE-FM's Christmas Wish is back, thanks to our friends at Pioneer Federal Credit Union.
2020's been a year where many of us feel like we just can't catch a break. It's just one bad piece of news after another. That feeling started early on the year for Joyce and Vicki. They lost their mother and then shortly after the pandemic reached Idaho. Vicki was one of the many Idahoans who found themselves out of a job. She was really close with her co-workers and loved being around them, so being laid off started to make her feel isolated.

The sisters found out that their dad has a terminal diagnosis and Vicki decided to officially retire in August so that she could shoulder most of the load when it came to his care. A few months later, Vicki's home caught fire. Luckily, a neighbor saw what was happening, got her out of the home and called the fire department.
The home's not a total loss, but there's a lot of clean-up to do in the room that sustained fire damage. Vicki's been scrubbing soot in her den since October and everything's starting to wear on her. Joyce knows that her sister is feeling exhausted and isn't eating properly, so we put together a little gift to take care of some meals and help with the clean-up!
Our delivery elf, Jaci, surprised her at her dad's house! (Click play to hear the surprise!)
Donate to Help Us Grant More Wishes
We want to grant as many wishes as possible in 2020 and we can't do it without your support! If you'd like to make a donation, there's two easy ways to do that!
Donate at PFCU | Pioneer Federal Credit Union is collecting donations at all of their Treasure Valley locations. To find the one closest to you click HERE.
Donate Online | Chances are you've already got a PayPal account set up for your holiday shopping. Use that same PayPal account or enter your payment information for a one time donation HERE.
CHECK THEM OUT: 100 years of Christmas toys, gifts and fads
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