Your inability to sleep during the pandemic is a real thing. I thought that it was just me, but it's not! It feels good to be validated. Doctors are looking into something that Boise doctors call "corona-somnia." Pre-COVID, you slept fine on a normal-ish schedule. You could function on 6 hours of sleep. Then your routine got thrown entirely out of whack. You're flipping through TV channels at 2 in the morning looking for an infomercial that will put you to sleep but instead, you end up buying the item 30 minutes later. That was awfully specific, but that was me last night!

Depression and anxiety are typically the reasons people don't sleep, but with "coronasomnia," you either have COVID, are worried about getting COVID, or just got a COVID vaccine. Unfortunately, my "coroinasomnia" is less to do with COVID and more to do with depression and anxiety. However, it wasn't a problem for me until after the pandemic. Still, because I like the clever name, I'm going with "coronasomnia."

I used to try to drive away my insomnia. I would drive the length of Fairview from Eagle Road to the seedier parts of downtown, then take I-84 back. Then I tried infomercials, then documentaries. It was best to watch things that I had no interest in, but I found myself being drawn in.

My son pointed out that whenever I sit on the couch to watch something I want to watch, I fall asleep, so tonight, I'm gonna watching something fun. I'm gonna knock something off my Netflix List and see if my son's theory holds.

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