So it's about 7:15 this morning when we get a text from the house,  "The septic alarm is going off."  Now, as much as I would like to joke why do they say the alarm is going off when it is actually blaring or screeching in this case. Aside from hearing a dog starting to puke in the middle of the night, this is one of those things you really don't want to hear.

When you live in the country and aren't connected to city services you have a well with a pump to get your water in and a septic system with a pump for the water to go out.  The septic also has a tank for solids, and the last thing you ever want to hear is the alarm that tells you the solid tank is full.  Well, it happened this morning.

I knew we were getting close and kept telling Brenda, but she was holding out as long as possible. If you think about it, you have to pay the same for the tank to get pumped if it's full or half full, so why not wait until it's full. There are ways to find out how full your tank is. One way is to dig up the lid and open it, not the most pleasant thing to do, but you will know.  Another way is, when the tank is getting full, it will stink and ours has been stinking.  So back to the call.

I have to head to the house and told everyone there to keep the water usage down. Later on this afternoon the septic company will bring out their truck, suck out the solid stuff, clean out the tank and we will be good for another three years.

Oh what fun it is to live in the country.  Well, it actually is and this is just a part of living there. I'll let you know how everything comes out tomorrow, no really, I'm going to take pictures for you.


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