The Price is Right Live Coming to Boise!!!
How much do you know about how much things cost. Would you do great playing games and winning on The Price is Right? The show will be in Boise Soon!
Come on Down!
The Price Is Right Live™ has been entertaining audiences and giving millions of dollars in prizes away to various people all over the world for over 14 years. The website says "Everyone’s favorite game show is on its way to you, along with the chance to win a share of the more than $12 million in cash and fabulous prizes we’ve given away! Randomly-selected contestants play everyone’s favorite games like Plinko™, Cliffhangers, The Big Wheel and even the fabulous Showcase. Lucky audience members can even win prizes right from their seat.
Even if you don't get chosen to go up and play, the crowd experience I have heard is an unforgettable one. With a chance at massive prizes, possibly even a car, why not try your luck since they are coning through the City of Trees? The event takes place on Tuesday November 16th and the show starts at 7:30, Doors open at 6:30. The website does note that this will not be televised. The Price is Right show will be at Boise State University at the Morrison Center.
To attend and possibly be brought up on stage to play, you must be 18 years or older and you must be a legal resident of the United States or Canada. It also notes that if you want a chance to go on stage you have to register first. The registration area is at the box office 3 hours prior to show time. Face coverings will be required while inside the building.
Tickets range from $42 to $62 (before ticketing fees) Learn more and buy your tickets here.
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