Leave Some Beans By Your Mailbox This Saturday
Just leave a food donation by your mailbox this Saturday and your letter carrier will pick it up. This is an easy way to make someone's day.
This will be the 27th annual Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, and donating just doesn't get any easier than this. We probably won't even have to go to the store. If you've got a pantry like mine, it's full of unopened boxes of Mac 'n Cheese, cereal, and granola bars that the family hasn't gotten to yet, and there's plenty in there to share.
All we have to do to donate to the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive this weekend is pick a few cans of olives or mandarin oranges from the pantry, put on some slippers and shuffle out to the mailbox. After we scoot back into the house our letter carriers will pick up what they find, and all the food will be donated to food pantries right here in the Treasure Valley that need the help.
My dad was a mailman when I was growing up in Nebraska, and he got an extra workout on food drive days for sure, but he was happy to help. With almost every house leaving a can or two of food that stacks up fast, and Pop became surrounded by Spaghettios and Cheerios and Cheetos pretty quickly. But he's tall, so he could still see over the dash.
The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive happens every year on the second weekend in May, so Saturday, May 11th is the day. Just set the donations out by the mailbox this Saturday, and know that lots of hungry Idahoans will benefit from the generosity. Thanks, letter carriers, for helping us organize the pantry, and for doing what you do.
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