It's a staple of Idaho whether you like them or not: potatoes. There are several things to love about Idaho's signature food item but there's also a darker side to potatoes in Idaho.

Don't go to jail for growing potatoes

That's right, you can end up in some legal trouble if you try growing Idaho potatoes and advertising them as such. We did a whole deep dive on the subject and knowing that makes the potatoes we do get to eat in Idaho taste that much better.

There's a sense of quality and prestige with Idaho potatoes.

READ MORE: How To Go to Jail For Growing Idaho Potatoes

But, how are you supposed to get the most out of potatoes in Idaho?

To find out, we asked locals to share with us the best way they enjoy potatoes in Idaho and no, not every answer is french fries as much as we'd like it to be.

That also begs the question - where can you find the best French fries in Idaho? Fry sauce? We'll get to that in a few but first, let's see how locals recommend we enjoy our potatoes in the Gem State.

The 6 Correct Ways To Enjoy A Potato According To People From Idaho

Most people associate Idaho with potatoes, but how do the people that are from Idaho actually like their potatoes? Here is what they said...

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

We can't talk about fries without talking about where to find the best. Here are some of the top spots based on our findings.

The Best French Fries In Boise

If you're looking for some delicious French Fries then make sure to check out these spots in the Treasure Valley.

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews

Fun fact - fries didn't originate in Idaho and neither did fry sauce! That doesn't make Idaho any less awesome either, we're still the best with potatoes in general.

But, we still have to give props to those who did come up with fries...

How Are People Forgetting French Fries Don't Come From Idaho?

How quick we all are to forget that one of our favorite foods isn't even from Idaho!

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

And How Are People Forgetting Fry Sauce Didn't Originate in Idaho?

We have to give credit where credit is due...

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

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