Idaho is One of the Country’s Most Fatal States for Winter Driving
While we don't experience the worst snowfalls in America, winter driving in Idaho is some of the most treacherous.
According to SafeWise, an online home security and safety advice company, the number of winter traffic fatalities in Idaho are staggering. They claim (according to 2016 statistics) that an Idaho driver has a .66%, per 100,000 people, of being involved in a fatal accident. The numbers are much lower for our neighbors in Washington, but Wyoming leads the nation with winter traffic fatalities.
This is SafeWise's first time conducting such research, and they have yet to pinpoint exactly why winter driving in Idaho is more dangerous than almost anywhere else in the country. This begs the question, is traffic in Idaho really that bad that it could lead to this? We've got that (scientifically proven) answer for you right here.
Even if the traffic is bad, and the winter driving can be dangerous, Idaho is still one of the best places to visit in the world.