Download the App to Win ‘Spider-man: Far From Home’
It's been a week and a half and I still have not recovered from what the two post credit scenes during Spider-man: Far From Home.
Leading up to the Fourth of July, we were lucky enough to have a five day weekend at LITE-FM. Like any job, sometimes trying to get everything done in order to enjoy that extended weekend without logging into your work e-mail or running to the office isn't the easiest task in the world. I knew I'd probably be at the station pretty late on July 2, but NOTHING...I mean NOTHING was going to stop me from going to see Spider-man: Far From Home on opening night.
Avengers: Endgame set the this movie up to be THE most anticipated movie of the summer and it lived up to be everything Marvel fans hoped it would be! It's a movie that sends you down a rabbit hole looking for subtle cues as to how the studio is setting up Phase 4 of the MCU and trust me, there are a lot of theories that came out of Far From Home. The only problem?! I can't talk about it with any of my friends because it seems like everyone went camping or on some sort of trip opening weekend so I can't talk to them about it.
Sound like you? ::shakes head:: Ok. We need to get you to the movie like ASAP, because after time Marvel does their panel at Comic-Con in San Diego next week you won't be able to avoid spoilers! So here's what we're going to do. We've teamed up with our friends from Dr. Pepper to buy your Spider-man: Far From Home tickets. Download the LITE-FM mobile app and make sure your alerts are turned on. This weekend we'll use the app to play a game of "Spidey Scramble" where we send out six jumbled up Spider-man codes to you via the alerts.
Unscramble as many of those words as you can and enter them HERE. The more you get correct, the better your chance of winning a $25 Fandango gift card to buy tickets with at the theater of your choice!
Once you and a friend have watched the movie while enjoying a refreshing 23-flavor Dr. Pepper, you'll want to be "far from home" too. That's why Dr. Pepper is sending a lucky winner to visit Peter Parker's hometown of New York City! (Trust us, after the first post credit scene you're going to want to go stand where it all happened.) Win or lose in our "Spidey Scramble" you can enter to win that trip HERE.
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