Caldwell Night Lights Parade Canceled; Replaced With Scavenger Hunt
Boise called off the Downtown Holiday Parade in July. Last week, we confirmed there would be no Meridian Winter Lights Parade. But what about Caldwell?
We've quietly been stalking the Facebook page that the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce created for the Treasure Valley Night Lights Parade for months waiting for an update. Today, the new Administrative Assistant at the Chamber posted an update that the "Christmas at the Movies" themed parade scheduled for December 5 will NOT be proceeding as planned.

Instead, the chamber will hold a "Parade-in-Place Winter Wonderland" in their parking lot on November 20. They've challenged their businesses to not just decorate their offices to spread smiles, but to also serve as a place where they can hide a letter that's part of their Winter Wonderland scavenger hunt. Each business will be assigned a letter that will eventually spell out a special phrase when put together with letters from other locations.
The very first person to figure out the phrase and posts it on the Chamber's special Scavenger Hunt Parade-In-Place post will win a prize! We don't know what it is just yet, but if there's one thing we know about our listeners...you love winning things just for the thrill of winning them!
To help you out, the Chamber will post a map of the participating businesses on their Facebook page on the 20th at 6 p.m. sharp!
Of course, if you need a break from your search you're welcome to check out the festivities in the Chamber's parking lot. They're going to have warming stations to warm your hands and local High School Bands to warm your hearts with Christmas music.
By the way, this is taking the first evening of that the Caldwell Winter Wonderland Lights will be on along Indian Creek! We'll be over on the plaza celebrating, so make sure you stop by and say hi to us as well!
LOOK: See what Christmas was like the year you were born
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