7 Reasons You MUST Go to Wizard World Comic Con
I'm seriously running around the office like a kid on Christmas Eve right now. Wizard World Comic Con descends on the Boise Centre this Friday, Saturday and Sunday!
If you had a chance to check out Alive After Five last night, you got a little sneak peak of the fandom that you'll experience this weekend. Even if you weren't originally interested in Wizard World, seeing it first hand has peaked your interest and now you're seriously considering checking it out! With one day admission passes starting at just $29.99 that include FREE admission for up to 2 children 10 & under, it's an absolute steal. (BTW, you can actually add an admission to a photo-op ticket for just $9.99 extra.)
But in case you needed more reasons, in my opinion, here's 7 solid reasons why if you go to any event in Downtown Boise this weekend...this is the one to choose!
1) Your Childhood Lives Here
I caved and bought a photo-op with James David Frank, who played the Green Ranger on the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. My little sister and I were OBSESSED with the Power Rangers when we were younger and my dad just fueled that obsession. He took us to see the live stage show in Myrtle Beach and has managed to preserve my Megazord that now sells for over $100 on eBay. I can't wait to show him the picture of me in my Pink Ranger Costume from 2nd grade. Nerdy, but I don't care! If you grew up on Power Rangers, Star Trek or Buffy, you'll have a chance to relive the good old days with the celebs appearing there! Plus, with a bunch of toy retailers you're bound to find something that reminds you of your childhood. If that happens to be Nintendo 64, make sure you stop by the LITE-FM booth! We're bringing a big screen, my original N64 and some classics like Mario Kart 64 and Mario Party with us!
2) You See it First
Every year, I sit around and wait for "first look" trailers to leak online from other cons around the country. This year, Treasure Valley con attendees have a chance to see some of the trailers for the newest and most anticipated trailers from upcoming movies and TV shows before anyone else! There's a panel called "Trailer Park" in room 400C on Saturday at 1 p.m. where you can see the trailers, get some inside information on the projects and discuss your thoughts and fears after the first look of each trailer.
3) Show Off Your Disney Knowledge
Not EVERYTHING at Comic Con revolves around superheroes from DC or the Marvel Universe! If you grew up loving Disney animated films and swear you know more about the movies and parks than anyone else you know, you've got a chance to prove it! You now Thomas Ian Nicholas best as Kevin from American Pie or Henry in Rookie of the Year, but he was also played Walt Disney in the film Walt Before Mickey. He thinks he can take you down in a game of epic Disney trivia! He's hosting a Disney Trivia Battle panel on Saturday at 2 p.m. in room 400AB. Test your skills and maybe win some free stuff!
4) Step Up Your Costume Game
It took me going to my first comic con (the 2017 Treasure Valley Comic Con) for me to realize how fascinated I was by cosplay. I got a chance to MC the cosplay costume contest and just hearing how much work the contestants put in to making their own costumes was absolutely fascinating. And the professional cosplayers? Their outfits are so scary accurate to the movies, books and shows they're portraying that you may mistake them for the actual actor or actress! The cosplayers Wizard World brought in, including Boise's own Alkali Layke, are presenting several panels to help you improve your cosplay game! They include everything from cosplay makeup and special effects, how to build your outfits on a budget and how to get started if you know absolutely nothing!
5) The Q&A Sessions With the Celebs are Included with Your Con Admission
If you want a photo or autograph from William Shatner, Ron Perlman, Charisma Carpenter, Animal or any of the other celebs, you'll need to buy an add-on to your ticket but it doesn't cost you anything to sit in on their panels! Simply show up in the room they're scheduled for and have a seat. If you're lucky, you'll get to ask your question directly to your favorite star! Panel seating is first come, first serve!
6) Eerie Idaho
Oh...there will be stories of hauntings, UFOs and more! (And you'll see my fiance running away from these panels like a little girl yelling "nope, nope, nope!") About a zillion years ago, my first job in radio was babysitting an AM radio station overnight and listening to the show Coast to Coast AM that talked about those types phenomenon happening all over the world. Sometimes it freaked me out so much that I would literally run out of the building when my replacement got there at 6 a.m. because I was so freaked out. Dave Schrader was sometimes a guest host on those shows. He hosts similar show called Midnight in the Desert and is coming to Boise to expose real stories hauntings, UFOs and mysterious creature sightings in the Gem State. Think he knows the truth about Sharlie? Find out in 410B Saturday at 6:30 p.m.
7) Friendships Are Forever
This is honestly the most important reason to attend Wizard World (or any other similar convention.) By the end of the weekend, you've made friends that will last forever. I made a ton of new friends at the Treasure Valley con last year and have reconnected with all of them as we nerd out about Wizard World. It's cool to meet like minded people who love dressing up and letting their nerd flag fly! Heck, even some of those friends that have moved since our local con last year have reached out and told us to have an absolute blast this weekend (Taylor, I'm looking at you, Superman.)
To buy your tickets, photo-ops or autograph packages for Wizard World click HERE! We'll see ya there!
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