5 Reasons Why This Will Be a Yoga Pants Easter
I'm in a quandary about what to wear on Easter Sunday. It's the best day of the year to break out the Sunday best, but can a person wear an Easter bonnet on the couch without feeling weird?
Not that I would ever wear an Easter bonnet. It's just not me, and it would scare the kids.
I do want to show respect while I'm streaming our church service on the smart TV on Sunday, but spending an hour getting ready and putting on a dress and heels and then walking from the master bedroom to the couch just seems odd. It would feel better to get in the car feel the heels click on the concrete entrance at church, but of course, that's not happening.
Most years, Easter services at my church are full of bright colors and bold prints. Some families put Dad in a turquoise shirt, and they've assigned ribbons of turquoise to run through Mom's outfit and the kids too. It's an adventure in color coordination and great hair. And now all of the salons are closed and our hair is a mess and we are in desperate need of an eyebrow wax, and here comes Easter, and I don't know how to be.
5 Reasons Why This Will Be a Yoga Pants Easter
1. We're at home. Easter brunch is canceled because that would be a gathering of more than ten people, and we'll be looking at the same few people we've been quarantined with for three weeks now. It would feel weird to suddenly break out the chiffon.
2. We have yoga pants momentum. It's hard to break the streak once athleisure inertia takes over a person's life, and after three weeks of yoga pants, satin feels foreign.
3. It's the perfect attire to transition to Easter Egg hunts and grilling. Sunday afternoon is reserved for fun food and the longest Easter Egg hunt in history because we're quarantined and we have the time. It will be good to stay comfortable and flexible.
4. Stores are closed. It was mid-March when public spaces shut down, and we weren't thinking about Easter dresses back then. We were scrambling to find toilet paper and ramen noodles, and we didn't have the time to shop for semi-formals. The internet is still open, but it's too late to order a dress and have it here by Sunday.
5. God loves me in yoga pants too. It's true that God doesn't care what I wear, but I've always thought there's more to it than that. Putting in some extra effort is a way to be intentional about celebrating faith and showing respect, and that's why I'm hung up about what to wear. God deserves better than the fourth of five identical pairs of my black yoga pants.
I may do a Maxi skirt compromise. It would be comfortable enough for curling up on the couch, and it's a step up from athleisure. I'll watch for social media comments to see what your family is doing.
If you're breaking out the Easter bonnets in the living room, you are awesome.
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