Everybody has their breaking point. It's all about knowing when you've reached said breaking point so you can back down and de-escalate the situation. Or, it can be good to know their breaking point so you can exploit it.

Here in Idaho, we are guilty of letting certain things ruffle our feathers and grind our gears. We can help it, somethings just get to us and bother us to our core. It's good to know what those things are so you don't end up triggering an Idahoan with something you say. Or, again, it may be good to know so you can intentionally mess with them.

Photo by: Andre Hunter on Unsplash
Photo by: Andre Hunter on Unsplash

There are certain things you should never bring up to anybody, like dead relatives or previous trauma. Then, there are certain things you don't want to bring up that are unique to that individual. In this case, that individual is the state of Idaho.

I live here, I've experienced it first hand. On both sides. Here are 11 things that will instantly trigger someone from Idaho. If you say any of these to an Idahoan, expect an argument to develop quickly. It won't go unchecked.

Brace yourself. This is list is not intended to trigger. Just point out the triggers. If you're ready, let's proceed with caution. Probably best to have your stress ball in hand.

11 Ways To Totally Trigger Someone From Idaho And Really Set Them Off

If you want to anger someone from Idaho, here are some things you could say.
Photo by: Icons8 Team on Unsplash
Photo by: Icons8 Team on Unsplash

You did it! You made it through the list that is sure to trigger every Idahoan. Congratulations! Not everyone has your strength.

Unfortunately, there's no real prize for making it through, but know you are braver than most in Idaho for not letting that list trigger you.

Are there any other triggers that are certain to set off an Idahoan that I may have missed? Comment or send me a Tweet.

For more on the relationship between Idaho and California, keep scrolling.

Photo by: Joni Ludlow on Unsplash
Photo by: Joni Ludlow on Unsplash

A Former Californian's Advice to Californians Moving to Idaho

"Philo," a user on Bestplaces.net moved to Boise from Fresno in 2014. Like other California transplants, navigating the waters of moving to the Gem State from California has been tricky at times. He offered these tips to others in that situation to make things a little easier.

Idaho Locals Confess the 8 Things They Want From California

If you think Idaho wants nothing to do with California, Idahoans share their reasons that prove you wrong.
Photo by: Andre Hunter on Unsplash
Photo by: Andre Hunter on Unsplash

Calm Down, Idaho: For Once, The Answer is NOT "California"

In 2020, the state with most newcomers into the Treasure Valley actually wasn't California.

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