Yikes! Here’s a “Top Honor” We Would Prefer Idaho Didn’t Earn
Hardly a week goes by where we don't hear that Idaho has been named a "top State" for various categories. Here's one we wish wasn't the case. We're the top state for cyberbullying.
The Idaho Department of Education has released their Youth Risk Behavior Survey and it illuminates some frightening realities. One in five high school students in our state report being cyberbullied, and our rate of 21.1% is the highest in the nation.
Other insights included that the rate of bullying was far higher for girls than boys, at 31% versus 11%. The surveys used to examine this also do allow for rates to even be higher in reality, because there can be a resistance to report these activities.
Rates do seem higher in our neighbor states, even though they aren't as high as Idaho, compared with the national of 15.6%. Montana showed 18.5% and Wyoming 17.5%.
One other note for concern. The Intermountain West states are higher than average in suicide, and bullying could certainly be a contributing factor.
The Idaho Statesman goes in depth with more on this, HERE.
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