My mind can run wild sometimes. Sometimes, there's nothing better than getting lost in a good day dream. I've gotten lost in thought thinking of Idaho-inspired baby names, wondering what Hogwarts House Idaho would be placed in if it went to the school, and more.

Recently, I found myself in an interesting day dream, yet again. I was laying back, relaxing, and wondering...what would Idaho and our surrounding states be if they were European countries? So, I woke out of my day dream, did my research, and made the list.

Photo by: Chris Karidis on Unsplash
Photo by: Chris Karidis on Unsplash

I considered several factors while making this list. What is this state known for? What activities do they like in this state? Then, I matched those traits with similar characteristics in European countries.

Just doing Idaho wouldn't be very inclusive of me, so I decided to do Idaho and the surrounding states. Included in this list are: Idaho, California, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada.

For the European countries, I considered all of the region and continent as a whole. Not just European Union countries. That can get confusing and I don't always know about that. So, all of the continent of Europe is in play here.

Before we get to the list, spend a second thinking about where you would place Idaho and the surrounding states if they were European countries. It's no fun if I'm the only one doing it! Let me know how I did and what you would have done differently. If your argument is strong enough, I may change my mind.

Let's get to it! Idaho and the surrounding states as European countries:

Photo by: Christian Lue on Unsplash
Photo by: Christian Lue on Unsplash

Idaho And Surrounding States As European Countries

Here's what Idaho and the surrounding states would be if they were European countries.
Photo by: Charles Postiaux on Unsplash
Photo by: Charles Postiaux on Unsplash

What do you think? What would you have done differently? I didn't like using Netherlands twice, but it was so fitting I couldn't possibly change it. How do you feel about Idaho's placement? I think Germany is the right call. It may be controversial, but I'm running with it.

Now, let's get to the other lists. What would Idaho be if it was placed in a Hogwarts House? Let's find out! Before we do that, you best understand the Hogwarts Houses and what they mean.

Photo by: Tuyen Vo on Unsplash
Photo by: Tuyen Vo on Unsplash

Harry Potter Hogwarts Houses

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