If you're like me, you'll often get back from the grocery store with several bags and then you stand there lost in confusion wondering where it all goes.

Do potatoes go in the fridge? How about berries? What about this container of mustard? I never know. Thankfully, experts are helping out with a list of 25 common items that don't belong in the fridge. Chances are, you've been doing some of these wrong!

Photo by: Cong Wang on Unsplash
Photo by: Cong Wang on Unsplash

Putting some foods in the fridge can actually do more harm than good. Sometimes, it won't do anything at all. You need to know what does and doesn't belong in the fridge so you don't have to throw your entire stockpile out every week.

It's an easy habit to just put everything in the fridge thinking it will keep everything fresh. That isn't always the case. Doing this can cause items to lose flavor, color, and texture. Gross. You don't want that.

Here are 25 foods that experts say should never be kept in the fridge. I bet some of these will surprise you! I know I was certainly blown back by some of these. I've been making some serious mistakes. No wonder my sandwiches don't taste great...

Let's dive into the list! Make sure to take notes, as well. I don't want you making the same mistakes I made. I want you and your family to enjoy dinner. Not all get sick together because you didn't properly store your condiments or food.

Here's what experts are saying, and their reasons behind it.

Photo by: Darrien Staton on Unsplash
Photo by: Darrien Staton on Unsplash


25 Things Idahoans Should Never Keep In Their Fridge If They Want Fresh Food

These 25 foods should NOT be kept in your refrigerator!


Photo by: Tyler Nix on Unsplash
Photo by: Tyler Nix on Unsplash

I always keep mustard in the fridge, so that was a major learning moment for me. Same with the basil and many fruit. Personally, I always keep fruit in the fridge, so that's something I need to change if I want to maximize the taste of the fruits.

Butter was another one that confused me. It can be kept both. I always knew this but figured only one could be right. Nope. All depends on what you plan on using the butter for.

Bread seems to be another one that confuses people. Does it stay out or go in the fridge? Our family and the neighbors would get into some pretty heated arguments over this. Turns out, one of us was right.

That's not the only warning that experts are giving, however. Here are 10 foods that a chef says you should never have delivered. I've made several mistakes here, as well. Hopefully, you need this list as badly as I did.

Here are the 10 foods you shouldn't order for delivery, according to food experts.

Photo by: Marques Thomas on Unsplash
Photo by: Marques Thomas on Unsplash

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