Score a Free Krispy Kreme Donut Monday
Ahoy there maties! Shiver your timbers and swashbuckle a free donut on Monday, September 19th!
Krispy Kreme is celebrating international Talk Like A Pirate day on Monday, September 19th. That means that anyone that visits the Treasure Valley's Krispy Kreme location on Eagle Road in Meridian and talks like a pirate will receive a free glazed donut.
But what if one donut isn't enough for you? Krispy Kreme is giving you two ways to score a dozen glazed donuts! The first way? Go to Krispy Kreme dressed as a pirate and score ye bounty. Don't have a pirate costume? This year you can use the Snapchat to digitally dress up as a pirate and show that to a Krispy Kreme team member to take home your treasure!