Old Farmer’s Almanac Prediction For Boise’s 2020-21 Winter Released
How many of you are close to completing a straight line on your 2020 Apocalypse BINGO Card? If that last square you're waiting on is "Snowpocalypse" here's the outlook you've been waiting for.
Some people swear by the Old Famer's Almanac when it come to long range forecasts. The authors themselves claim to be about 80% accurate. With 2020 being an absolute wreck, we were nervous that this year's prediction would say "Brace yourselves, Boise. You're in for a repeat of 2016-2017's Snowpocalypse."
Quite frankly, I don't think any of us are ready to relive the 39+ inches of snow we got that winter and the insane flooding that followed it. Not during a year that's already pushed us to the edge of sanity.
Luckily, that's NOT what the Old Farmer's Almanac is predicting. In their long range forecast, Idaho falls in the "Intermountain" region. As far as snowfall, they predict "near normal" snowfall and slightly below normal precipitation overall.
So how about the temperatures? Those are supposed to be milder than normal too. The coldest periods will be in early to mid-December, late January and late February.
All of that seems like good news!