Michelle Masters Hits the Road: Join Us for a Trip to Jackpot
Ladies, grab a girlfriend! It's time to hit the road for our biggest Michelle Masters yet!
Depending what kind of office you work in, you either really look forward to your office Christmas party or completely dread having to make an appearance at it. For a few years, our office party became a complete joke. Somehow it would end up on a weekday afternoon where half the employees that hadn't left the city for the holidays weren't able to attend because they couldn't get away from the pile of work they had to complete. The most infamous year? The year that they pushed it back so many times that our holiday party might as well have been a Valentine's Day party since it didn't happen until February of the following year!
Desperate to turn this party around, they put together a killer party in 2017! They hosted a big casino night at one of our local sports bar and we were able to exchange the chips we won for more entries in a raffle for everything from game systems to TVs to concert tickets. Some employees had several arm lengths of raffle tickets by the end of the night?
I was NOT one of those employees. Why? Because I had no idea how to play any of the table games! Womp womp. And sure enough, our company party has the same theme this year. I'm tired of being the employee that doesn't know how to play Blackjack or Craps, that's why I reached out to my friends at Cactus Pete's to show me how to play them correctly! Not only did they agree to teach me the ropes, they asked me to bring down a bus full of my favorite LITE-FM listeners!
Want to join me?! Then mark your calendars for Friday, January 11 and book your seats on the party bus to Michelle Masters the Games at Cactus Pete's HERE!
For $125 total price, you and a friend get your bus ride to jackpot covered as well as your double occupancy room for the night! That alone is a steal, but we've got more in store for you! You'll also receive a $10 food voucher and $10 in match chip play for each of you. You may want to hang on to those until after we go through our special course with some of the best Cactus Pete's dealers on the casino floor! They're holding a "Michelle Masters the Games" seminar just for our LITE-FM listeners where they'll teach us how to play each of the table games they offer so that we can graduate from the penny slots!
This is going to be a fun trip and I can't wait to see you all! Click HERE to reserve your seats on the bus!