Help End Human Trafficking in Idaho
Human trafficking is not something that we like to talk about in the Treasure Valley, but it is something that happens here. While it's not a topic that gets much press and is mostly ignored, there is something that we can do to help those who have been affected by it. Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery, and it's on the rise in every state, including Idaho. According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, they have confirmed 26 cases last year and report over 200 victims since 2007. There are many more cases and victims that go unreported because victims don't want to come forward or are in a situation where they don't feel safe coming forward.
Microbe Formulas is spending this week collecting items needed for the Idaho Community Outreach Behavioral Services. Idaho COBS rescues and provides trauma care to victims of human trafficking. You can imagine how powerful their work is, but also how difficult their job is.
They need toothbrushes, full-sized toothpaste, deodorant, soap, full-size shampoo, underwear, backpacks, shoes, pajamas, sports bras, and non-perishable food items.
The drop-off location is:
3750 East Pewter Falls St.
Suite 100
Meridian, ID 83642
Collection times are 7am to 6pm through Saturday, September 5.
For more information on human trafficking and how it happens in a place like Boise, watch this video:
For more information about the event happening this week, check out KTVB's report:
This is an excellent opportunity to help a very worthy organization in the Treasure Valley.
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