3 Foods No One in Boise is Hoarding During Coronavirus Pandemic
How bored has social distancing made us? We went grocery shopping to people watch this morning.
I won't lie, this weekend's been a little rough on me. I'm someone who can't sit still for more than five minutes. With so many activities and events being canceled over coronavirus concerns, I feel like I'm being forced to sit still and I'm bored. I've pretty much laid around, tried to get caught up on work and watched almost an entire season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

To bust that boredom, hubby and I decided to stop by the Albertsons in our neighborhood just to see out out of control things in our neck of the woods has gotten. The toilet paper is gone. The Lysol wipes are gone and I've got an overwhelming feeling based on the pasta aisle that many families will be having spaghetti almost every day this week. We ultimately decided not to buy anything because the lines were so long, but we walked around long enough to make some observations.
These seem to be three of the foods that NO ONE wants to buy during the coronavirus pandemic.
1) Hawaiian Rolls
We ended up going to breakfast before this adventure and I'm glad we did, because the there were slim pickings in the bread aisle. Not an ideal situation when I had french toast on the brain. The one thing we did notice? No one wanted Hawaiian Rolls, name brand or generic. There were ton of them.
2) Plant Based "Meat Products"
Walking through the meat department, this particular Albertsons store was totally wiped out of chicken breasts but Beyond products like hamburger patties, meatballs, etc were fully stocked. There's been a lot of controversy over healthy these options are anyway. They're petty loaded with sodium compared to natural beef.
3) Pop Tarts
Take a stroll down the breakfast food aisle and you'll notice that oatmeal and cereal took a big hit this weekend. But Pop Tarts? Barely touched. Quite frankly, I'm surprised. An opened package of Pop Tarts can last 1-2 weeks without getting stale. An unopened package? Those suckers last 6 months to a year. If you're going to stuck in the house for weeks, seems like these would be a pretty stable breakfast alternative.
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