You’ll Never Believe How Much It Costs To Own A Pet In Boise
Caring for anything we love costs money. Some people love their cars and spend thousands of dollars on them every year. My three teens cost much more than that, and anyone who owns a boat knows that BOAT stands for Bust Out Another Thousand. How much does it cost each year to care for man's best friend or Fluffly, the family cat? The answer is shocking.
Many people purchased pets for companionship, with loneliness creeping into so many people's lives during the pandemic lockdowns. Dogs have been in high demand, along with cats and other pets like reptiles and fish. CBD manufacturer Spruce studied how much the cost of caring for furry friends is in each state.
Washington Post says that almost half of American homes have a dog. In New York, the cost of owning a dog is about $2,010 per year, making it the most expensive in the country. The least expensive state to have a dog in North Dakota, where it only costs $1685 per year. Idaho is one of the least costly at $1791 annually.
When it comes to cats, the costs drop significantly. Some of that has to do with the fact that they are pretty low maintenance. In New York, Wisconsin, and Washington DC, cats cost over $1000 per year to keep healthy. The least expensive state is Oregon, where it costs $895, and Idaho is slightly more costly at $970.
This study's factors include food, toys, grooming, medication, boarding, pet insurance, and regular vet visits. You can read the entire study HERE.