You Won’t Believe What Craig Morgan Gave to Boise Army Veteran
Craig Morgan brought his God, Family, Country tour to Boise over the weekend as part of the Country Concert Series.
The show was outstanding, and Craig was incredibly moving and patriotic on and off the stage, as he didn’t just put on a great concert, he deeply inspired a few longtime fans and military veterans who were able to meet him after the show.
Keep reading for their incredible story and pictures 👇
While enjoying the concert myself, I was able to meet some amazing people in the crowd, including Jeff & Dawn Wetherholt, who mentioned to me that they’ve been trying to see Craig Morgan in concert for years... like over 12 years.
Jeff said...
“My wife and I have been following Craig Morgan for well over 12 years but never could find a concert close enough to attend. By chance, the Friday before the concert my wife randomly went online and searched for Craig Morgan tour dates and found out he was coming to Boise.”
What are the odds? They found out about this concert literally the week it happened, and all because of a random thought and Google search... and they're huge fans who have been trying to see him for years!
At the concert, Jeff & Dawn sat next to another amazing couple, Creig & Denise Smith, and the 4 of them exchanged stories and bonded over their love and appreciation for Craig Morgan.
Jeff continues...
“Creig Smith, like Craig Morgan, is an Army veteran and pulled some strings (via an Army “challenge coin”) and with the help of our favorite country radio DJ, Parker Kane, all 4 of us got to meet Craig Morgan after the show. Just as I had suspected, Craig Morgan was as genuine and kind as he is on TV and on stage. We got to check off a big box on our bucket lists. We can’t say thank you enough to Creig & Denise Smith, and Parker from WOW Country for making it all happen.”
It was an honor introducing these incredible people to Craig Morgan, but what transpired was truly amazing.
Not only were Jeff & Dawn able to meet Craig after 12 years of trying to attend a concert, but Creig Smith & Craig Morgan were able to trade Army challenge coins! You read that correctly, they TRADED coins, so Creig Smith walked away from this concert with Craig Morgan’s challenge coin — how amazing is that?!
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