Ask any driver in the Boise area about the driving abilities of land they'll all say the same thing: Boise drivers can't drive.

Now, we know this isn't true for ALL Boise drivers and some may blame the incoming "transplants" as the reason for "bad driving" in Boise. Regardless of who you're blaming, one thing is clear -- the current state of driving in Boise is not good. This brings us to a shocking incident this morning at the intersection of Five Mile and Overland.

Boise native, Karin was at the stoplight at Five Mile and Overland when her dashcam caught an accident that had just occurred. Two vehicles were stopped in the intersection with both drivers appearing to be exchanging information and waiting on Boise police to show up.

Photo courtesy of Karin Aiello
Photo courtesy of Karin Aiello

This is when the situation escalated and could've ended fatally. What appears to be a distracted (or incoherent) driver in a blue SUV whizzing through the intersection as if nothing was in the way, smashing into the back of one of the cars involved in the accident.

Photo courtesy of Karin Aiello
Photo courtesy of Karin Aiello

You can clearly see the male driver throw his hands up in absolute disbelief at what just transpired while the female driver covers her mouth in shock at what just transpired.

Photo courtesy of Karin Aiello
Photo courtesy of Karin Aiello

It's a terrifying scenario to witness let alone be a part of. Thankfully, it doesn't appear anyone was seriously injured but we really feel for the guy whose truck gets hit a second time. The moment his hands go into the air, you can practically feel his pain. Here's the full video of the incident:

Is this how bad driving has gotten to be in Boise? Karin, who provided us with the footage, informed us that she contacted the proper authorities and the entire situation has been properly addressed. All of that said, we should all let this scary incident serve as an important reminder: keep your eyes on the road, put the phone down, and one more time for the people in the back... keep your eyes... on... the... ROAD.

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