Thousands of folks showed you to celebrate America as Star hosted its annual Independence Day Parade. Spectators who were kids and kids at heart set up chairs along State Street to enjoy one of the state's most festive parades.

The parade began on time and featured everything from a man on stilts to miniature horses to classic cars. In other words, the parade had everything you could think of in a hometown celebration of America's Independence.

Kevin Miller
Kevin Miller

The parade continues to grow in popularity. I estimate that last year's parade was about 30-40 minutes. At the same time, this year's parade lasted over 90 minutes and was filled with laughs, candy, hot rods, traditional western cowboys and cowgirls, and other indiscernible modes of transportation. Is there a parade in Idaho if you don't have cowboys, cowgirls, and horses?

Kevin Miller
Kevin Miller

Star's parade has grown so much in popularity that residents now set up their chairs the night before. It's not uncommon to see folks setting up their chairs and tents before six-thirty the morning. However, those folks could believe how many more people were prepared for today's parade.

Kevin Miller
Kevin Miller

Star's population has grown significantly in the past several years. The city mirrors Idaho as a popular destination for folks wanting a return to traditional American values. The streets are lined with American flags to honor our great nation. Star was the first city in Idaho to become a Second Amendment sanctuary city.

Kevin Miller
Kevin Miller

Seeing so many people of diverse yet similar backgrounds come together in our post-covid world was refreshing. The joy of kids and their parents collecting candy was something everyone should take part in while celebrating our freedom.


Kevin Miller
Kevin Miller

Thanks to everyone who partnered to make this year's Independence Day Parade an excellent time for all of us.

Check Out The Photos From The Star Independence Day Parade!

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