It's another honor for Meridian-based Scentsy, as the company has been named one of the best midsize companies in the country according to Forbes Best Employers List.

Our local company was ranked 35th on a list that contains 500 companies employing between 1000 and 5000 people.  It was the only Idaho company to make the list this year.

Forbes noted that the company was founded in 2014, employs 1056 people, and has sales of $450 million.

The list is created by a research company that surveys employees across the United States with a look at working conditions, job satisfaction, opportunities for advancement, and how likely employees are to recommend their company to those close to them.

Officials at the company told the Idaho Statesman that their family-friendly schedules and other perks help make a difference for their employees' satisfaction.

This is the seocnd honor for Scentsy this year, after Direct Selling News also named it one of the best workplaces in their survey.


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