A Guide To Starting Your Garden In Idaho’s Frosty Spring
Sunday, May 22nd marks the start of Idaho’s frost-free growing season. As its known in Boise’s green-thumb circles, the 137-day window ending Thursday, October 6th leaves gardeners little time for trial and error; this year especially.
If you're thrown by the frosty conditions of Boise's 2022 spring or you're a novice Treasure Valley gardener, all is hardly lost. The National Gardening Association has a fool-proof strategy for growing bountiful spring and summer produce harvests this year.
Broccoli, Cauliflower, & Cabbage
Ideally, gardeners would have started these seeds indoors around mid-march, but it’s not too late to do so now. If you’re just starting these seeds indoors, you can transfer them to your garden after two weeks. Given Idaho’s frosty spring this year, gardeners who find themselves behind the planting curve can still reap a hardy crop.
Onions & Potatoes
Ordinarily, onions and potatoes are planted in-ground during the third week of March. But once again, Idaho’s colder spring conditions have pushed the timeline to the right. Once the ground has thawed, gardeners can plant these seeds along with sugar snap and English peas.
Tomatoes, Peppers, & Eggplants
During typical spring weather, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants are started indoors during the second week of March and planted in-ground around the third week of May. Given the irregularity of Spring 2022, late planters can still start these seeds indoors now and plant them after the chilly weather subsides.
Beans, Gourds, Cucumbers, Cowpeas, Corn, Squashes, Pumpkins, & Sunflowers
With these garden favorites, Fool’s Spring isn’t the issue. The obstacle instead is Boise’s shorter-than-average growing season. The recommendation is to start these seeds indoors during the first two weeks of May. Growers can then transfer these starter seeds into their garden by the third week of May unless grounds are still frozen.
See? There's no reason to give up on your spring and summer gardening goals, friend. If you bless it with your patience, your garden can still thrive despite it's frigid start to the season.
For more information on Boise spring and summer gardening best practices, visit the National Gardening Association’s website.