6 Fun, Family Friendly Events Happening In and Around Boise On Thanksgiving
We know that when it comes to Thanksgiving Day, there’s no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to traditions!
More and more major retailers are opting to stay closed on Thanksgiving Day and we’ve heard from families all over the Treasure Valley how thankful they are for that decision. The majority of our listeners have told us that they feel that Thanksgiving is a day for family and nothing else.
And if you have family in the area to celebrate with, that’s hard to dispute. But does that mean that you need to stay cooped up in the house? We don’t think so! There are several events happening in and around Boise on Thanksgiving Day that don’t take time away from the family. They actually give you an opportunity to enhance family time and build some special memories together.
If you or someone in your family gets a little stir-crazy, these are some fun family activities you can do ON Thanksgiving Day!