10 Cringeworthy Things Guaranteed to Make Idahoans Roll Their Eyes
Overall, Idaho has a pretty laid back way of life. We really appreciate the time we get to spend enjoying things like our mountains, rivers and lakes.
Even with some fairly relaxing hobbies being at the top of the list for many Idaho residents, there are still certain things you can say that will immediately raise our blood pressure. We asked our listeners to tell us what precisely those things were and after reading through the entire thread of answers, we definitely noticed some repeated themes!
Before we get to sharing, we know that people will debate what really makes you an "Idahoan." If we're talking people who are born in Idaho and still live here...well, even back in 2014 before the largest part of our recent population boom, those people only accounted for 47% of the state's population. It was still 47% in 2019.
We'd like to think the people who have lived in and paid taxes to the state of Idaho for decades have a pretty good case for calling themselves "Idahoans" too. After all, the money they spent at local businesses and donated to Idaho-based non-profits certainly adds up.
This is a humor article. Please remember that before commenting on social media. Smile. Life's too short to be angry about everything you see on the internet.