Fact or Fiction? It’s Illegal to Pass a Slow Snowplow in Idaho
Over the last couple of days, we’ve dug into some pressing questions you’ve had about winter or Christmas-related laws in the Gem State.
We’ve discovered that on Christmas Day, no matter how crazy your relatives drive you, you can’t buy liquor to drink them away on Christmas Day. (Christmas Eve is fair game, so you can always stock up.)
We’ve also learned that no matter how much you don’t want to, you are legally required to shovel your sidewalks in Boise. We’re sure that the Boise Police Department has way better things to do than enforce the snow removal ordinance, but if you upset them enough or are a repeat offender…they just might! And the penalties can be steep.
Today, we’re answering the question “Is it illegal to pass a snowplow in Idaho?” With the number of people who moved here from areas of that state that don’t get a lot of snow, we’re not surprised this was something newer Idahoans are wondering about.
We get it. There’s nothing worse than getting a late start to the day on a morning when you already know the commute’s going to suck because it’s snowing. Visibility is low and you creep up on something with flashing lights. You realize it’s a slow-moving snowplow that’s going to make your commute even longer. Great. So...
Fact or Fiction: It’s Illegal to Pass a Snowplow in Idaho
This one is actually fiction. There are no laws on the books prohibiting you from passing a snowplow. You can do it, but you’re doing it at your own risk. You could potentially create a dangerous situation for you, the plow driver and other drivers around you.
According to the Idaho Transportation Department for safety reasons, you should never pass a snowplow on the right. Not only could you clip the wing that extends up to 10 feet, the snow it’s spraying could be strong enough to cause you to lose control of your vehicle.
They also say that when road conditions are yucky, being behind a plow is the best place you could be BUT you should leave enough following distance in case you hit a slick spot. Getting too close could also result in your car being doused in a de-icing agent, which could lead to corrosion issues.
Snowplow Accidents Starting to Pile Up
According to ITD’s Facebook page, they’ve already had 15 of their plows hit by drivers this winter. The latest crash damaged the plow and another vehicle had to be towed from the scene.
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