If you have ever been bullied, you remember that moment or series of events your entire life. A bullying experience changes life in an instant. In just a word. 8 years ago, Louisa was taunted by a group of guys. They spent 3 years making sure she knew how ugly they thought she was. Fast forward to now. One of those guys has asked her out on a date. 

At 12 years old, Louisa was mocked for her "monobrow", was told her legs disgusted them and was named "Manbeast". For years, she put up with this kind of bullying from the same boys at school. It was to the point where she would eat only an apple a day in the hopes of changing the way she looked so she would be accepted.

8 years later, at the Oxford University ball, she ran into one of the guys who made her life miserable. After that night, he asked her out via Facebook.

This is what she looks like today (middle with white bodice)



I can't even imagine how I would react in this situation. It's an opportunity to spout all the hurt you've been feeling for so long. Good thing I wasn't faced with this decision because heads would roll. Actually, I'd probably wuss out at the last minute. Louisa decided to accept the date.

Instead of actually showing up, this is what was left at the table for her date.

(please be warned, she writes the f-word. I also sound like a child trying to describe it)

Have you been bullied? What would you have done in this situation?

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