Nampa PD Warns Against Teens Smacking Teachers For TikTok
The Nampa Police Department says they will have "zero tolerance" for this battery. Something all parents and students should read.

We told you recently about schools warning against the 'Devious Lick' TikTok challenge, where students are vandalizing their school bathrooms and posting the videos on TikTok. This is problematic enough on its own. Now, the new TikTok challenge has students smacking their teachers and running in the name of TikTok fame. The Nampa Police Department has a very clear stance on this and is warning both students and their parents:
"The next challenge has to do with students ‘smacking’ school staff members and catching it on video to post on TicTok. Nampa PD will have zero tolerance for this battery.
Parents, we are asking that you take the time to talk to your kids about respect and dignity, and make sure they fully understand the consequences if they choose to participate."
In fact, they went so far as to define what constitutes battery, and it could get you into a TON of trouble.
"A battery is any:
(a) willful and unlawful use of force or violence upon the person of another: or
(b) actual, intentional and unlawful touching or striking of another person against the will of the other; or
(c) unlawfully and intentionally causing bodily harm to an individual."
Obviously this is a horrendous challenge and as far as we've seen, there haven't been any incidents of this nature happening here in the Treasure Valley at this point but the Nampa Police Department wants to get ahead on the matter and to make sure parents and students know this is not the fun path to fame they may think it is.
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