The term all well that ends well doesn't apply to Idaho politics or Idaho legislation. After thousands of calls concerning the Vulnerable Child Protection Act and Governor Little signing it into law, the battle has just begun.

The act will now make it illegal for hospitals or medical providers to provide transformational surgery or puberty-blocking drugs to Idaho children. The law will go into effect this January. One group and perhaps a few others are looking for folks to allow them to derail the law before it goes officially on the books.

The ACLU Is Looking For You To Sue!

The ACLU of Idaho has announced that they will sue the state over HB71/ The Vulnerable Child Protection Act. To sue the state, the group must first find someone who the 'pending' legislation has harmed. I know it sounds and is ridiculous, but welcome to the modern world of politics and litigation.

“We are extremely disappointed at the signing of HB 71 into law. This discriminatory law criminalizes safe, effective, and necessary healthcare for Idaho youth. Further, for lawmakers to interfere in decisions that ought to be made by families and their healthcare providers is clear government overreach and is unacceptable. For any individuals directly impacted, we seek partnership as we challenge this law in court. We will sue to stop this harmful and unconstitutional law."

How Do Idahoans Feel About The New Law?

That's an excellent question; let's look at several folks commenting on the Vulnerable Child Protection Act.





A Inside Look At the Caldwell School Controversy

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Check Out These Shocking Photos From The Caldwell School Board Meeting

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